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Image by Diogo Brandao

Contact Us

At the heart of our mission is the belief that every child, regardless of their SEND diagnosis, should have the opportunity to reach their full potential and fulfil their aspirations.


Whether you are looking for support for an EHCP, Annual Review, Mediation or to Appeal, we offer the support you need to achieve the best possible outcomes for your child.

SEND, SEN, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, EHCP, EHCP Support, Tribunal Support
Contact Us

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Services Contact

If you require support from Empowering Families, and would like more information

with regards to our services, purchases or any other matters, please contact us via if on mobile, or via our desktop contact form.

As our staff are all parents of SEND Children we may on the odd occasion be busy. We will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible, and within no more than 3 days.

If your request is a general one, and you would like an immediate response, do feel free to post on the Facebook Group, or again via via

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